Friday, 25 March 2011

Learning Styles

After completing the learning styles quiz I found out that I had an even mix of Visual and Physical characteristics. I had few answers for Auditory.
This means that I learn best when there are Visual aids and when I can have a hands on approach to the subject. I feel that this is a true reflection of my learning style.

When relating my learning styles to the course it means that I learn best when we are doing practical work and when presentations have lots of images and diagrams.
To improve my learning I could take pictures of practical work what we have done.

 The second quiz was almost equally balanced. It was slightly more biased towards physical which is a true reprosentation of of how I learn. This was in contrast with the other test as it showed a more balanced result where as on the other test there was almost no results pointing towards Audio learning.

I think this test also give a good reprosentation of my learning style as I feel I am overall balanced but more towards practical/physical learning.

With my learning style I feel I learn well using all teaching styles which is good, although I ahve preference to certain styles which I feel I learn best using.